Photos 2017-2019 (newest photos at the top)

* * * 2019 * * *

Left: St. Patrick’s Day brought out the green in everyone!


Lent was a time of reflection and Easter brought out the hats and apparel of times gone by.


Left: Sunday School enjoys fall crafts while the adults enjoy the Table of Bounty. Right: Our Christmas Bake Sale and Re-Gifting Sale was a great success.


Throughout the year, the Youth Group created floral arrangements, Christmas Cards, and baked giant pretzels.

  * * * 2018 * * *

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Trinity is blessed! Left: Our UCW chair and Minister. Right: Our women’s choir and guitarist offered their musical gifts.

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Children are an important part of life at Trinity.

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Palm Sunday. Left: One of our Sunday School children distributed palms to the congregation. Right: Our men offered a special gift of music,

“Sing and Swing with the Spirit” Kitchen Party, was a fun event of music, food, and community!


The Mahone Bay Quilt Guild filled every nook and cranny of the church Sanctuary, hall and parlour with their incredible creations for the Scarecrow Festival weekend.


For our 2018 “Memorial Hymn Sing” Rev. Lee invited everyone to dress as the decade of their choosing and the congregation took up the task.

Trinity’s second Coffee House Kitchen Party was great fun!

Our annual Christmas Bazaar was a great success!

  * * * 2017 * * *

Coffee Hour a 2017

Trinity enjoys a social Coffee Hour after church on the third Sunday of most months.

rev. Lee 2017 MusicWinter2017

Left: Rev. Lee Simpson extends a warm welcome. Right: Special music during services includes piano, organ, guitar, drums, and hand chimes.

SanctuaryforKids SundaySchoolwinter2017

Left: A special space in our Sanctuary has been designed for children to have playful worship. Right: The Sunday School enjoys stories, crafts, games and snacks.

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Left: Trinity was blessed by the music of the Lunenburg Kinderchor on Canada 150. Right: Rev. Lee rings the bell 150 times in honour of Canada.

 Floral arrangements by Myra bring colour to our sanctuary Trinity Choir 1

Two blessings we enjoy each week are floral arrangements by Myra (left) and the special gifts of music from our Senior Choir (right).